Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mediumship?

Mediumship involves the co-operative communication between a human and one or more discarnate spirits.  In spiritualism the term Medium refers to a person who has the ability to produce phenomena of a mental or physical nature by connecting our world here with a communicator from the spirit world. In simple terms Mediums are like a telephone link.

What is Physical Mediumship?

The difference between physical and mental phenomena is that physical mediumship shows no sign of support from any living person here on earth.  What happens during a seance is in the control of the spirit world, the medium is not aware of what is happening and is usually in deep trance.  When this deep trance state happens the spirit operators or guides take over the proceedings.  The medium has no idea what takes place.  For a physical seance to take place there is a need for ectoplasm.  Spirit have advised that ectoplasm is a living cellular substance that flows from the body of the medium and is used by spirit to produce phenomena like transfiguration, direct voice or materialisation.  Everyone who attends the demonstration can see or hear what is going on at the same time.  The spirit world can move objects, speak, touch and blend with all the sitters in the room.  Most mediums go into a cabinet and the room is completely dark and the spirit communicators provide the light.  

Physical mediumship today is still popular but there are strict conditions undertaken when a gathering takes place. The reason for this is to protect the medium from the paparazzi and social media. Tom Harrison's book, Life After Death - Living Proof, this book is a wonderful account of his mother, Minnie Harrison's mediumship.

What is Mental Mediumship?

Mental mediumship is active and uses the medium's mind and senses to give details of the communicator.  The medium is fully conscious and is control of what is going on during the demonstration.  Mental mediumship is a very personal form of mediumship but works well  in a public setting and during a one to one sitting, but it is only one recipient at a time that can tell if the information the medium is receiving is accurate.  I have attended services and demonstrations where the evidence has been outstanding and the presence of spirit so strong you can feel spirit in the room.  The medium has to trust what they are seeing, hearing or sensing to understand the communicator's story.

Both forms of mediumship have their place in Spiritualism and without the pioneering physical mediums of the past we would not have the freedom to gather in churches, centres and other public venues, or book one to one sittings to connect with spirit today.

What Happens During a Private Reading?

We would first sort out if the sitter would like a face to face reading or online via zoom. A date and time agreed upon. I allow 45 mins to 1 hour for each reading, this gives your loved ones in spirit time to connect with you.  During a sitting I will deliver to you what I receive from spirit and will provide evidence that your loved ones have survived physical death.

Every sitting is completely individual and there are some people who are not looking for communication from spirit and may be attending out of a need to understand themselves better, or to be clearer on other areas of their life, such as work, relationships, spiritual growth etc.  As I attune to the type of sitting you receive this is in response to your need as a sitter and the need of the spirit world too. Sometimes the sittings are all about the evidence from the spirit world and sometimes about your life, or a combination of the two. The spirit world will give their opinion and advice but they will not tell you how to live your life.  Sitters often find that a reading can bring healing, comfort, clarity and acceptance that life is eternal and an understanding of the strength we have within to overcome obstacles in our path way.


Karen truly is an amazing woman who has such a gift.  Karen is an excellent medium.  She gives accurate information, details and beautiful messages from your loved ones in a very empathic and gentle way. I do recommend Karen. 

Silv SC Facebook Review

I had a wonderful reading with Karen.  I can fully validate the information I received from the family members that stepped forward.  Many memories were shared, together with their thoughts and insight into current personal and family situations.  It was touching and heartwarming.  They live on thank you Karen.

Marilyn Facebook Review


Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about your loved ones, my work in Spiritual Mediumship, my classes, readings or demonstrations.